The most comprehensive business listing solution for local businesses. Simply put, a business needs accurate and up-to-date contact information to be available when and where potential customers search for it. Business listing citation volume and accuracy are major factors in improving a local business's organic search ranking. There are hundreds of sites where listings appear. The Listings Bundle will ensure your loyal customers and potential prospects are finding you.

Listing Builder

Establish accurate business listings and rank higher in search engine results, such as Google. Get started for free, and then optionally upgrade to powerful presence management tools—Listing Distribution and Listing Sync Pro. Our solutions are the most comprehensive business listing solution on the market.

Listing Sync: Quickly establish accurate business information on Google My Business, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for no additional charge. Own your business listings and keep your customers up-to-date.

Google My Business Insights: Understand how your business is performing on Google Search and Maps. Google Insights in Listing Builder provides a valuable glimpse into your customer's activities.

Listing Distribution

Requires Listing Builder

Modern search has changed the way customers find your business online. Is your business showing up as a point of interest in modern GPS systems? Mobile apps? Are voice assistants like Siri and Alexa giving your customers the right information?

Missing or incorrect data can result in unhappy customers, lost revenue, and a drop in local search ranking.

We submit your business information to the main data aggregators: Neustar/Localeze, Foursquare, Factual, and Data Axle.

These aggregators share your information with a network of directories that power search engines, navigation systems, voice search, mobile apps, and more—and create accurate listings your customers can count on.

  • Say goodbye to manual submissions – Just input your business information—it’s that simple. Over time hundreds of sources will reference your information from the main data aggregators that power search engines, navigation systems, voice search, mobile apps, and more.
  • Build your online presence – The correctness, quality, and amount of citations your business has all contribute to your local search rankings. We give your business a broad and accurate presence across the internet—boosting SEO, and driving more customers to your business.
  • Accuracy your customers can count on – Monitor the accuracy of your data to make sure customers are seeing the right information. Phone number changed? No problem. You can submit updates whenever you’d like, ensuring your information remains correct over time.
  • Showcase your brand – Entice customers with photos. Highlight your products and services. Offer more information like hours of operation and payment methods. Enhance your listings with additional content that makes customers more likely to buy—and sets you apart from the competition.

Yext Listing Sync Pro | USA (Monthly)

Requires Listing Builder

Ensure your business listings are present, accurate, and protected from unwanted changes.

Listing Sync Pro gives you a single dashboard to control how your business appears across the internet. With the click of a button, you can instantly create and update listings across an established network of sites. Better yet, it keeps your information protected from third-party changes—putting you in control of your online brand.

Get your business found on search engines, social networks, mobile apps, navigation systems, and more with Listing Sync Pro!

  • Create and fix listings with the click of a button - Get your business found on an established network of search engines, social networks, business directories and navigation systems. With plenty of accurate listings, you'll make it easier for customers to find your business online, and boost your local search ranking.
  • Make updates in real-time - Holiday hours, address changes, new payment methods. Whatever the reason for your update, you can instantly push these changes to all of your listings from a single dashboard—so your customers will always find the most up-to-date information.
  • Protect your listings from unwanted changes - Automatically re-establish accurate information when a change has been made to your listing. Protect your data from changes by competitors, data aggregators, and other third parties.
  • Showcase your brand - Entice customers with photos. Highlight your products and services. Offer more information like hours of operation and payment methods. Enhance your listings with additional content that makes customers more likely to buy—and sets you apart from the competition.

Want to have a professional project? Let’s talk about it.

Scalable, extendable, adaptable, and robust!

We have extensive and experience in developing and maintaining online stores.

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